Anna’s Plate

Anna’s Plate

I have recently gotten a few questions about what Anna is eating now so I thought I would show her plate from dinner last night. Last night I made grilled cheese sandwiches on a super seedy multigrain bread from La Brea (Costco), Trader Joe’s Organic Tomato Soup...
Homemade Organic Baby Food

Homemade Organic Baby Food

I have really been enjoying making Anna’s baby food! There is a feeling of satisfaction I get when she likes it (and she likes everything so far…). Throughout the past few weeks of traveling, I have picked up a few jars of organic baby food for when we...
Homemade Baby food: Pears

Homemade Baby food: Pears

My freezer is full of baby food I have made in the past few weeks! Here is a simple recipe for pears: organic pears Wash pears and remove any spots you see. (I didn’t take off the skin because it doesn’t hurt the baby and is easily digestible and full of...