Low-fat Lime Margarita Cupcakes
It's been a busy couple of day with Kara in town from Denver! We had a great time taking Anna walking, to lunch, shopping, wedding planning for Kara and going to dinner! In her Moses basket: Having fun with her hands: Kara kissing her little ducky bottom:...
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Protein Pancakes
I joined the protein pancake party that Gina and Janetha and a lot of others have been having lately! I am just starting my efforts of getting back into shape after Anna was born three weeks ago today! It's hard to remember a time when she wasn't here, I can't believe...
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Mojo Pork Tenderloin and a Cavs Party!
My dad came down last night from Cleveland (my mom came a few days earlier) to spend the weekend here and hang out with us and Anna. He came down right after she was born for the night, but had a bad cold and didn't hold her so this is the first time he is really...
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Bake Sweet Potato Fries and a visit from Uncle Kevin
My brother Kevin came yesterday from Chicago to meet Anna! He fell in love right away! We spent lots of time hanging out and relaxing. When Brady got home from work, we broke out some Cinco de Mayo beers and some happy hour chips and guac! I stuck to lemonade...
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We had a good day at the doctor today and Anna gained 4 oz. since we left the hospital. She is getting closer to her birth weight. 🙂 After the doctor, we stopped at the store and I ran in while Brady and Anna hung out in the car. We got home and Tyler (Brady's...
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Semi-Homemade Indian Food
Still pregnant. I just wanted to get that out there. 🙂 Today was a nice day in Columbus. The sun was shining and it warmed up by the middle of the day. I walked this morning with Ticia and then went to the doctor. Two more days until I will be induced. Then I...
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Bring on the Baby Spiced Pork and Tofu
So tonight, after our relaxing afternoon and walk around the neighborhood (walk total today was about 7 miles - 5 with a neighbor/friend this morning and about 2 with Brady tonight) we came home to eat dinner. I had marinated some thin pork chops for Brady and some...
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40 weeks already
I can't believe tomorrow is April 13th. I really thought the day would never come. Now I am sure it will come and go and there will be no baby, but..think good thoughts that it will be soon! After school Katie and I walked 2.5 miles and I am planning on going to...
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Lower Sugar Homemade Strawberry Jam
When my mom was here on Wednesday we made two batches of strawberry jam. Homemade strawberry jam is one of our family's favorite foods. We go through tons of it, especially on weekends we get together. So in preparation for Baby H's arrival and a stream of...
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Fish Tacos
Above is a collection of random toppings we used on our Fish Tacos. The fish tacos were made with mahi mahi that was marinated in: lime juice crushed garlic cumin salt and pepper Brady then grilled the fish to give it a good flavor. His tacos were full of everything!...
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