Early Easter Dinner

This weekend we headed up to my parents house in Chagrin Falls for some quality family time. They were coming back from Mexico and my papa and aunt and uncle were in town visiting my cousin and her husband (who are having a baby in June). The projects of the weekend...

Greek Style Stuffed Peppers for CEiMB

This was my pick of the week for the Craving Ellie in My Belly group! Here is the original recipe plus my changes! Ellie’s Greek Stuffed Peppers * 1 pound lean ground beef (I used extra lean ground turkey) * 1 (10-ounce) package frozen chopped spinach, thawed...

His & Hers Clean Baked Pasta

My snow day was wonderful, as they always are! I made dinner early this morning so it could sit in the fridge today and soak up flavor. I was in the mood for a baked pasta dish because it would be filling, clean (inspired by Clean Eating magazine’s cover recipe)...

Sunday Night Dinner #2: Winter Pie

After a relaxing day of working out, reading and getting ready for the week, we made Sunday Night Dinner #2. It was great because it felt like a Sunday, but it was actually Monday!  Brady’s parents came over and we had a nice relaxing dinner!  It was a great way...