by TheHealthyHostess | Jan 14, 2014 | Uncategorized
My New Year’s resolutions are going to be a whole post, but one main one includes getting more organized. I am so organized on some things and so far from organized with other things. I prefer to call my style, organized chaos. I like things to have an area...
by TheHealthyHostess | Jan 14, 2014 | Uncategorized
After the holidays everyone’s initial reaction is to try and make up for their bad behavior and lack of exercise. Danielle Harrison, Fitness Curator at Ink48, A Kimpton Hotel has five simple tips to get you back into shape in 2014! 1. PLAN OUT YOUR MEALS....
by TheHealthyHostess | Jan 9, 2014 | Uncategorized
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by TheHealthyHostess | Jan 5, 2014 | Uncategorized
Healthy Dill + Tahini Salad Kale + Avocado Salad Roasted Red Pepper + Spinach Stuffed Chicken Warm Israeli Couscous + Lentil Salad Thai Red Chicken and Broccoli Share on...
by TheHealthyHostess | Jan 5, 2014 | Uncategorized
Desserts are done. It’s time for the new year. It’s time for healthy meals filled with lean proteins and veggies over whole grain carbs. It’s not time for new treat recipes. But I can’t help it. This was my favorite one of the season. ...
by TheHealthyHostess | Jan 2, 2014 | Uncategorized
The end of the year is a great time to survey workout music for two reasons. First, it provides a chance to look back at the year that’s winding down and reminisce. Second, the new year is when folks make resolutions–often to get into better...