His & Hers Clean Baked Pasta

My snow day was wonderful, as they always are! I made dinner early this morning so it could sit in the fridge today and soak up flavor. I was in the mood for a baked pasta dish because it would be filling, clean (inspired by Clean Eating magazine’s cover recipe)...

Diving In

Today was the first day back to school after a 5 day weekend!  With two snow days last week added onto the 3 day weekend, we had quite the break!  It was awesome!  My kids (third graders) were sleepy and out of it this morning after having no routine and structure for...

Simple and Super

Tonight, after making it through my first day back after Christmas break, I was tired and cranky.  I meant to workout in the morning, but we couldn’t get out of bed!  It ended up being a good thing though because I was in need of a good sweat after school. ...