Fresh Basil Pesto – Less Oil
Last Friday my and I ventured to Ikea for the day. As if that was not enough, we stopped at a great Amish produce stand on the way home and bought about 30lbs. of eggplant, green peppers and tomatoes. We also picked up a big bunch of fresh basil. I couldn't wait to...
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Spicy Peanut Salad: the salad dreams are made of
This is the most delicious salad combo I have had in a while. It's fresh, sweet, salty, crunchy, creamy and filling. What more could you ask for? The salad consists of the following: romaine lettuce honey roasted peanuts - Trader Joe's makes the best a few black beans...
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Dinner Done by 9am.
My favorite schedule for the day looks something like this: 5am: Wake up - go straight to the coffee 6am: Workout - while Brady is home. He likes the 6am workout too so we have to take turns until we can get our home gym going. 730am: Shower/get ready - only because I...
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Roasted Sesame Green Beans
For dinner last night I roasted some of Trader Joe's frozen green beans. They were really easy, healthy and it tasted amazing! I actually thought about making them again for dinner tonight, but my mom spoiled me with making me tilapia to eat when I picked up Anna...
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Naan Pizza
My mom came over with a bag filled with tasty dinner ingredients tonight. In her bag she had naan (leavened, oven-baked flatbread), fresh tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, grilled veggies and a giant salad. All I need to supply was the pesto and the grapes for our fruit...
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Brie Pasta
My list of things to do today grew. It seemed like the day flew by after I picked up the girls from playing at Patty's while I taught a spin class at CVF. I made a few meals to deliver tomorrow and made dinner for tonight, but didn't get too much else done during "the...
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5 minute dinner
Where did the day go? It started this morning with two cozy girls coloring in their "offices". Moving boxes make great offices. Between then and dinner there was: - a trip to the greenhouse to get some mums with a groupon my mom had given me. - a trip to the park with...
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Greek Israeli Cous Cous Salad
Look what I found! Anna was pretty excited to find a zucchini in Mimi's garden tonight. She was very proud of the fact she could carry it all by herself. Our weekend was great! It was a mix of fun and tons of progress on getting settled in our house. We even did some...
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Easy No Bake Cheesecake
We just got home from a great party with the girls of Chagrin Valley Fitness. It was so nice to get together since we are usually just passing between classes. They are such an amazing group of people! This summer get together reminded me of a recipe I meant to post a...
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Tofu Garden Stirfry
One night for dinner this week I made a tofu stir fry that tasted amazing! It was simple but had tons of flavors and textures. The inspiration for the dish was a leftover 1/2 block of tofu and a giant pack of mushrooms from Costco that my mom picked up for me. The...
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