I was recently sent a copy of a new book: 7 Weeks to Getting Ripped.
While it is not my goal to look like this guy:
I was very intrigued by this book. I opened the book to find a workout plan for various levels of people.
Different levels of exercises that are basic and require no gym.
Many of the moves were things I have done and use in my classes but others were new ideas.
I am not sure how useful this will be to me since I am already very familiar with lots of different exercises from teaching classes. I think the plan and the layout for the workouts are nice because they are simple to follow and don’t take a lot of time. They can be done anywhere and at any level.
Brady is following the 7 Weeks to 50 Pullups Book and is having good luck. It’s by the same author and follows a similar format. I will post a review of it soon!
i have been less than active lately and really need that boost to get me back to working out. and since getting to the gym is not as easy as it used to be, i;m always looking for things to do at home while the baby naps. can’t wait for the review!