We got a lot of snow last night! If today was a school day, we would have had snow day. What a waste! 🙂 I came home from school and I crashed on the couch for about an hour in preparation our late night. When Brady got home, we had a quick dinner – veggie sandwich for me and leftover orzo for him. Then we headed to our friend Clint’s for a wine party.
We brought the supplies were told to bring – a dish to share (oil/butter free chocolate chip peanut butter bars with chocolate and Reese’s on top), a bottle of wine to share (some random Shiraz I picked up), my alcohol free wine (Fre Chardonnay) and our wine glasses.
Everyone brought amazing food and tons of wine. I couldn’t get a picture of everything because there were a lot of things coming and going and tons of people. I did get quite a few fun pictures! It was pretty rough not being able to participate!
Such fun bottles! The food was just as impressive, although I did miss some of it.
One particular dish was very tasty and well made by Chef Aaron: Bruschetta
I was semi-impressed with the alcohol free wine, too! I just had a little glass then I switched to Pellegrino water for another special drink. I would recommend it for a little wine taste sometime. I brought the bottle home to enjoy another time.
Off to make a great breakfast and we have a fun Saturday planned!
How fun. We usually try to host a wine tasting party once a year. So much fun.