Tuesdays are always so busy. I teaching a morning total conditioning class then come home in time to feed Anna lunch and get her down for a nap. Then I teach a 6pm spinning class. During nap time I do dinner for people, laundry, and whatever else the day has brought. Then I get home around 7:30 pm and I am ready to crash but wired at the same time.

Right now we are headed for a preschool tour for Anna and a quick trip to the store for some ingredients for Brady’s birthday dinner for tomorrow! We will see f I can get it all in!

A much needed quick and intense workout. I wrote this workout for Bobbi a few weeks ago and forgot that I never shared it. I love her website – she is full of great workout ideas!

Tabata: 20 seconds of ultra-intense exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated continuously for 4 minutes

(8 cycles = 4 minutes).

With a Bosu or a step if possible

  1. high knees
  2. squat over and back

Weight Circuit

5, 8, 10, 12 lb. dumbells for 1 minute each.

  1. squats with shoulder press
  2. bicep curls with walking lunges
  3. abs or crunches on large stability balls
  4. dead lift with upright row


  1. lunge off BOSU
  2. squat jumps

Weight Circuit

5, 8, 10, 12 lb. dumbells for 1 minute each.

  1. squats with shoulder press
  2. bicep curls with walking lunges
  3. abs or crunches on large stability balls
  4. dead lift with upright row

Repeat entire workout another time if needed.