It’s just after 5am and I am heading to teach my No Limits cardio class at 6am. Since not everyone can make it to class, I wanted to share the workout with you so you can do it at home or with a friend at the gym!


BOSU (optional, all things can be done on step or floor)

Jump rope (if you don’t have a jump rope or the space for one, just do the motion)

Weighted bar or weight (optional as this is an all cardio class)

Large exercise ball (again, optional)


Warm Up – 5 minutes and include light stretching

Tabata Intervals: 20 sec. as hard as you can, 10 sec. break for 8 cycles (4 minutes)

  1. Squat side to side over BOSU or step
  2. Mountain climber with push-up on BOSU or step
  1. Run on top of BOSU with hands above your head
  2. Right foot on BOSU, pulse squat – next set, left foot on BOSU and pulse squat

Run: 2 minutes around the gym at steady pace

Stations: 2 minutes at each station

  1. Jump rope
  2. Frog jumps with wide legs holding the large exercise ball
  3. Army crawl on elbows (towels under elbows) and toes
  4. Walking lunges

Run: 2 minutes around the gym at steady pace

Tabata Intervals: 20 sec. as hard as you can, 10 sec. break for 8 cycles (4 minutes)

  1. Right side leg left (quick) then left
  2. Jump with both feet onto BOSU and step off
  1. Left foot on BOSU – kick with right leg, switch for next 20 set
  2. Lunge off BOSU side to side

Run: 2 minutes around the gym at steady pace

Stations: 2 minutes at each station

  1. Jump rope
  2. Frog jumps with wide legs holding the large exercise ball
  3. Army crawl on elbows (towels under elbows) and toes
  4. Walking lunges

Cooldown and Abs (optional as most of the exercises used lots of core strength)

Let me know what you think!