If you are looking for a fun new cookbook for Fall or thinking about how you can bottle up all of delicious flavors of summer….here is a book for you!

Canning for a New Generation : Bold, Fresh, Flavors for the Modern Pantry

Liana Krissoff

(Author), Rinne Allen (Photographer)   

Publisher: Stewart, Tabori & Chang (2010)





Presentation of book: B+ (soft cover, clean presentation, lots of great photographs, no pictures of many of the recipes )

Difficulty of recipes: B+ (not many ingredients in each recipe but the recipes had a few steps that involved many different things)

Healthy: B+ (many whole food ingredients were used, great way to keep veggies and fruits, lots of added sugars and salts to preserve)

Vegetarian/ Gluten Free: A (lots of options for this!!)

Entertaining: B+ (you could use this to make great hostess gifts or favors for a party!!)

Overall, I think this book is really neat! It offers recipes from everywhere! Something from each season plus many other great ideas! I think this would be great for using to make Christmas gifts! I have a bunch of recipes flagged already!