I was recently sent a package from Wanchai Ferry and MyBlogSpark to try and giveaway!
The package included two tea sets and the Wanchai Ferry Beef and Broccoli meal. Since I am not a huge beef fan, I made Brady this meal. Out of the package came the following:
The directions were simple and involved simmering the mixture, microwaving the rice and mixing in the sauce. Overall Brady thought the meal was ok for a frozen meal. He doesn’t eat many frozen meals so he doesn’t have much to compare it to. We both thought it was great how easy and quick it was and the nutrition info was good too!

A deal for everyone!
There is a $1.60 off coupon available at
http://bricks.coupons.com/bstart.asp?o=63369&ci=1&c=GM&p=OMaEZjGT. Also check out the website at http://www.wanchaiferry.com/MealTips.aspx later this summer for meal tips to enhance your Wanchai Ferry frozen entrรฉe.

To Win:

Please leave a comment telling me which Asian meal/ flavor you would like Wanchai Ferry to make!