Happy Birthday Brady!  Tomorrow is his actual birthday, but we celebrated all weekend.

Friday night: We started the party off at the Rusty Bucket for a birthday dinner celebration with Brady’s family.  His dad’s birthday was last week and his mom’s birthday is the day after his.  His sister and her friend came home from college for dinner, as well as his brother and his gf and Aunt Jean – there were 9 of us!  After dinner everyone came over to our house for cake and presents.  I made a carrot cake (his parents’ favorite).  We had a great time!

I am getting good use out of the birthday plate, Mom!  I will have it ready for you when you come down!


Saturday: Saturday morning we got up and researched some cars.  We need a new car that will hold all of our stuff before the baby comes!  After some major list making, I went to spinning and Brady got to work on our list of to-dos at our house.  I stopped and the grocery store on the way home.  When I got home we had a quick lunch.  Then it was off to our friends Micca and Josh’s and car shopping.  We found some things we liked that didn’t think we would and we found a lot that were too small for what we need.  I have a problem and am not able to “travel light”.  I know that things will just get worse when the baby gets here.  🙂

Then we came home to get ready to go out for Brady’s birthday.  We met a bunch of people at Bar Louie for dinner and drinks then to the Funny Bone for a 9:15pm show.   It was hilarious!

Somehow I missed Levi and Alexis and Brady’s brother, Tyler… Bummer!

Sunday:  We woke up this morning bright and early and made it to 8:00 am church!  We got home around 9 and had a good breakfast of eggs and toast.  We talked cars for a while more and then decided to get our errands done.

We went to:

  • Costco – to return something, pick up bananas and eggs and eat snack/lunch.  Brady had a piece of pizza (which he shared with me) and I had a frozen yogurt.
  • Babies R Us – to look over our registry and add a few things
  • Baby Gap – to return some baby bedding we got that had a little hole it in.  We went with the Giggling Turtles bedding collection (a green, white and navy theme) but since we don’t know what Baby H is, we are going to add pink if it is a girl!
  • Gap –  to check the maternity section for something I could wear to a shower…no luck
  • Old Navy – to do a quick check of the maternity clothes – I found some new workout shirts!
  • Best Buy – some fun b-day present for B.
  • other random places I can’t remember now… 🙂

Then we came home and chilled before going for a walk.  We walked to library and then over to see Aunt Jean.  It was a good 3 miles or so outside! It felt like a heat wave to us, even though it was only in the mid 40’s!

By the time we got home from our walk we were both starving.  I had been excited to try Bob’s Red Mill Vegi Soup Mix that they sent me recently and it was ready in the crockpot when we walked in.  For Brady I made some ravioli with black olives.  It was a little random for a Sunday dinner, but it was hot, tasty and fast!

Not the prettiest of dinners…

My ugly, but delicious soup

See you tomorrow with some fun recipes and a continuation of the birthday celebration!  I know we are pretty crazy. 🙂