Asian Stirfy with Sesame Beef and Quinoa

Asian Stirfy with Sesame Beef and Quinoa

Today was a long day at school.  I don’t know if it was just getting back into it or the fact the heat was on and it was 83 degrees outside, but I was uncomfortable all day.  My back hurt and I just felt bad.  It was the first day I was really uncomfortable for...

Back on Track

It’s Sunday night – Yuck! I am not ready for the real world to be back tomorrow. I had such a great time that I just want to keep going. Oh well. I will have to tough it out the 2 1/2 weeks until Christmas break. Yesterday we had a fun day hanging out at...

Sunday Night Fiesta

Last night we had a fiesta! After an absolutely beautiful Sunday that included: a workout at the gym on the step mill for 30 min. then the elliptical for 15 minutes with Health magazine a winning soccer game for Brady at 10 am a 5 mile walk with a great...

Quinoa Lentil Stuffed Squash

All day today felt like Tuesday. I think I was in a blur on Monday and didn’t realize that it happened and counted as a day, but I am glad that tomorrow is already Thursday! School went well – the usual + recess duty, which was unusually pleasant! The sun...

Spicy Seafood Lettuce Wraps

It was such a gorgeous day today! 77 and Sunny – cool morning and night, Fall is here! I love Fall! After another busy day in third grade, I came home to make dinner, walk and get some stuff done. Dinner was easy, as usual. Spicy Seafood Lettuce Wraps 1/2 bag of...