Back to the real world…almost

This morning I got up and got ready for school while Brady was getting ready for work.  It really felt like summer is over.   I had a big bowl of oatmeal which should keep me full for long time while I work on my room!  We ate our breakfast while watching handball. ...

PB and Peaches

This morning I didn’t do my usual routine which has been to wake up and run outside then eat breakfast.  I had a few errands to run so I wanted to get those out of the way.  Now I am regretting my decision to skip the run.  I am going to have to squeeze it in...
Peach Jams

Peach Jams

First of all, I will get on track with my recipes and my the regularity of my posts starting tomorrow!  So watch out!  I did want to recap on my weekend though. We stopped at a farmer’s market on Sunday and picked up peaches to make jelly with.  I was so excited...