Twice Baked Potatoes
At a family dinner last week, Patty and Andrew made some delicious twice baked potatoes. I had not had them in so long, they were a great! if you need a hearty, filling, warm side dish for your next dinner party - make twice baked potatoes. You could always do them...
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Broccoli Slaw with Spicy Peanut Dressing
I have been a bad mom this week and not taken many pictures of Anna or Addie. This will change tonight. I keep going back to look at my pictures of the day, and there are none of the girls. Anyways, after teaching NoLimits Cardio this morning at 6am I am fading. I...
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Best Shrimp Marinade
Our good family friend Jill brought this shrimp to a potluck last year and I have been dying to try it. My mom made it for our family dinner the other night. I can't wait to make it again! Best Shrimp Marinade 1/2 c. soy sauce 1/2 c. olive oil 1 T. cajun seasoning 1/4...
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Lowfat Chocolate Cupcakes
Yesterday and today are really blending together. I couldn't remember if I talked to Jen, today or yesterday. I couldn't remember what time my spinning class started tonight. I couldn't remember what Anna had for dinner last night. But one thing I could remember was...
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Healthy Enchiladas
Today was a busy started that started with teaching a 6am spinning class. That was followed by a quick shower, some oatmeal and a trip to library for story-time - only to find out that it was closed. Duh. Columbus Day. So the library trip turned into the playground...
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Black Bean Burger Recipe
I had big plans to recreate the two Northstar burgers I had last weekend while in Columbus, but...things did not work out. Rather than follow my own recipe for imitation Northstar burgers from last year - which turned out great! I decided to make up a whole new...
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Slow Cooker Black Beans
With National Taco Day being on Tuesday, I had no choice but to make tacos for dinner! When we have tacos, we always have black beans but in celebration of the holiday, I decided to make the black beans from scratch. I had been meaning to make slow-cooker black beans...
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Slow Cooker Black Beans
With National Taco Day being on Tuesday, I had no choice but to make tacos for dinner! When we have tacos, we always have black beans but in celebration of the holiday, I decided to make the black beans from scratch. I had been meaning to make slow-cooker black beans...
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Maple Mustard Salmon
This weekend at the apple orchard with Brady's parents, I picked up the biggest butternut squash I have ever seen!! And it was only $1.50. It weighed a ton! It filled a cookie sheet - a regular sized cookie sheet. It was longer than a normal sized foil container. And...
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Pumpkin Spiced Latte
Wake up tomorrow and make this for yourself. You won't regret it. Pumpkin Spiced Latte 2 T canned pumpkin 1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice 1/2 cup milk of your choice - skim, almond, or coconut 1 tsp pure vanilla extract 3/4 cup strong coffee sugar or stevia 1/4 tsp....
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