Best Salad Ever

Our menu said grilled chicken salads but this turned into way more than just your typical grilled chicken salad. After school, tutoring and a meeting with parent, I got home around 6pm.  Brady was visiting his brother so I ran to the gym and pounded our 40 min. on the...

Princess Party for Sunday Night Dinner

When you go out on Saturday night with people you don’t see all of the time, it is sometimes hard to actually catch up!  There are lots of people and it’s loud so you can’t really find out what is going on!  This is what happened on Saturday!  We met...

CEiMB: Chicken Cacciatore

Recap of yesterday – Wednesday. Nuts.  Crazy.  Ridiculous.  From a 5:15 am workout to one of students throwing chairs and jumping on tables to not getting home until after 6:30pm, it was one of those days.  I had a great dinner planned but by the time I got in...

Diving In

Today was the first day back to school after a 5 day weekend!  With two snow days last week added onto the 3 day weekend, we had quite the break!  It was awesome!  My kids (third graders) were sleepy and out of it this morning after having no routine and structure for...

Sunday Night Dinner #2: Winter Pie

After a relaxing day of working out, reading and getting ready for the week, we made Sunday Night Dinner #2. It was great because it felt like a Sunday, but it was actually Monday!  Brady’s parents came over and we had a nice relaxing dinner!  It was a great way...

Sunday Night Dinner

All growing up and all through college, even now, my family has always had Sunday Night Dinner.  It is a time when anyone home (friends and family) is able to share dinner,  tell funny stories and  teach my mom something new (and sometimes inappropriate –...