The First Haul

The First Haul

After getting home from vacation and attempting to make lunch with a jar of mustard, a squirt of ketchup and some wilted greens that I accidently left in the produce drawer, I knew a big trip to the store was in order. I would be lying if I said I didn’t make a...
Best Diaper Rash Cream

Best Diaper Rash Cream

Recently Anna came down with the worst diaper rash. I know it was directly related to the two pints of cherry tomatoes she ate last week. Her “number 2” as we call it, burned her skin. This is a common problem with lots of babies who eat super acidic...
This and That: 2/29

This and That: 2/29

A little of this and that: 1. Green smoothies do not look cute on little pink dresses. 2. Things like this are the reason I don’t get much done on my to-do list. If I chose to pick these up, which I didn’t – they are still sitting just like that,...
Butterfly Footprint Craft for Kids

Butterfly Footprint Craft for Kids

For Brady’s parents birthdays this week Anna wanted to make them a present. She debated on what to make them but decided on a painting using her feet and some finger paint. Both Brady and I were skeptical of the idea, but once I saw it on Pinterest, I knew...