If I were you…

and I was running a half marathon I would do these things. I will take my own recently learned advice next time. Eat breakfast. I did not do this because I don’t usually eat before I run. The thing was, we got up at 3:30am and didn’t begin running until...

Classic and Amazing

After returning home from our 6 hour drive from Nashville, we unpacked and relaxed. We were both sore from being in the car for so long. I decided to go for a 3 mile jog to get some of the lactic acid out of my legs and hopefully make going down the stairs easier...

Holler than Swaller

After subs, showers and a mini nap (only 20 minutes!) we headed out in Nashville. If you have ever been to Nashville (or maybe other parts of TN) than you have heard the common saying “Holler than Swaller”! We made sure we followed these Nashville rules at...


The people at Foodbuzz and Buitoni got together and sent me a package of Wild Mushroom Ravioli to try. I am totally impressed and plan on buying this for a quick, filling, delicious meal! I fixed this with a classic tomato sauce and gobbled it up one night last week...

13.1 miles of Success

To start at the beginning… We got to Nashville on Friday night and caught up, hung out and relaxed for about an hour before setting our alarms for 3:30 and heading to bed. We got up at 3:30 on Sat. and got ready for the run. I wore tight black capris and a...