Pancakes have been the number one requested breakfast here this week by the queen of the household.


So, in order to take control of breakfast and Anna’s vegetable consumption, I got out the giant tub of fresh spinach just waiting to be used.

After making the spinach banana bread for St. Patrick’s day, I now feel confident about adding blended spinach to any baked good. It doesn’t change the taste or the texture at all. In fact, I think it makes things a little more moist. It does change the color, so plan on your food being bright green.

And beware, if you plan on having a treat at this house. 🙂

Vanilla and Spinach Pancakes

  • 1 1/4 c. Trader Joe’s Multigrain Baking Mix
  • 1 1/2 c. fresh spinach
  • 1 c. almond milk, or skim milk, or soy milk, etc
  • 1 T. chia seeds
  • 1 T. vanilla
  • 1tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 stevia packet
  1. In a blender (I use my Magic Bullet), blend together the spinach, chia seeds, milk, vanilla, cinnamon and stevia.
  2. Once the spinach is completely blended and you have a beautiful cup of green milk, mix it with the baking mix.
  3. The batter should be the same consistency as regular batter.
  4. Spray your frying pan or griddle with cooking spray and cook pancakes for 2-3 minutes per side or until they are just browned.
  5. Serve warm!

I lots of times add banana slices to them to add sweetness and texture. Anna has not had maple syrup yet so she dips them in greek yogurt. We are not ready to battle syrup in the hair, on the table, floor, ceiling and in-between yet, so for now, the cinnamon and vanilla do the trick.

Toss it on a flower plate and….


you have one happy girl!
