Yesterday was my birthday. It started with teaching an energetic 6am spinning class. When I got home around 7:30, Brady had hooked up the birthday present he and Anna had gotten me. It was a flat screen tv for my kitchen. I had wanted a tv for the kitchen because I feel like I have no idea what is going on in the world if I can’t watch the Today Show in the morning. Since our big tv is in the family room and I don’t spend the morning sitting on the couch, I don’t watch the news. With a tv in the kitchen, the problem is solved.

After watching the Today Show today and yesterday, I already feel more in tune with the world than I have all year. I understand this is sad.

The girls and I had eggs while we watched Matt and Ann, then we went and did fun errands with my mom. We stopped at North Face, Lululemon and Trader Joe’s before coming home for lunch.

After naps, we had special visitors. Batman and a Monkey came over to wish me Happy Birthday!


For birthday dinner, we went to my parent’s house. I had picked langostino (small lobster like crab) because we don’t have them often and they are delicious! They taste like lobster but they are really little – smaller than a shrimp and have a firm texture.

My mom stir-fried them in a little olive oil, butter, garlic and lemon. Then she served them on fresh garlic chive pasta from the Ohio City pasta man. For the sides, she made broccoli slaw and butternut squash. Everything tasted amazing.


Anna loved the langostino. The caption under this picture should read: “More, more, pleeece, pleeece”


Afters some dinner shenanigans that involved her using her iPhone (Apple phone – get it, hahaha), we had cake. She was actually saying “hello” into it.


Nothing beats a classic Dairy Queen cake.


I think someone was happy I had a birthday!

