I have stopped posting my breakfast/lunch/snacks because I am running out the door in the morning or at school for those meals, but I will get back to it when I have company on the weekend or when we have a break!  Today, by the way, I had a HUGE bowl of fruit: 2 tiny pears, apple, strawberries and frozen blueberries and peaches with a packet of dry Go Lean oatmeal on top.  I love that combo!

Lunch was leftover salmon salad – same as last night’s dinner and just as good!

Tonight, after a 5 mile run, I made myself a veggie sandwich on sprouted wheat bread.  This is one of my favorite meals of all times!

I made it open-faced to get double the veggies!  I also had a side of broccoli with parm.

Brady had a football game after work with a bunch of guys from work and then he had and indoor soccer game after that tonight, so I was not waiting around for him!  I did make him homemade meatballs (I froze from last time we had them) and some Barilla Pasta Plus!  He was much happier with his dinner than mine!