This weekend has been wonderful! We have gotten a lot done, relaxed and had fun with friends – the only part missing is the family. To recap:

Friday night Brady and I went Christmas shopping. We had a bunch of people on our list still and needed to get them done! We went to Easton so we could go anywhere we needed to go to complete our list. I was impressed we got most of it done. We finished around 8:30 and headed to a little Italian place for dinner. We had pizza and salad. It was a fun Friday night date!

Saturday morning we got up and did stuff around the house, then I went to spinning. When I got home we headed to Costco for a few things we needed and a few things we didn’t need. We came home and went into elf mode! I wrapped presents for most of the day while Brady painted. We were both very successful. Our tree is now full and our baby room is not light sagey green!

What do you think of our little (it’s actually 6 ft.) Christmas tree. We were going to get a new one this year that was a lot taller but decided to wait until after Christmas when they go on sale! 🙂

I love wrapping and bowing! Who would have thought, right Mom? 🙂