Happy Easter Week!  We are getting our full share of Easter Egg Hunts around here, with two more to come.  At least we aren’t hunting in the snow like we did last year!



Here are a few tips to keep in mind when hosting this weekend!

1. Think of your theme.

For this coming Easter weekend, pick a theme to plan your party or meal around and go with it.  Whether it’s ducks or eggs or just Spring in general, things will be able to be more clear if you are working with a theme.  

2. Make lists early.

Spiral notebooks and the Notes App on my phone are my favorite thing for party planning.  I am always writing things down and crossing them off.  From guest lists to grocery lists and table layout, write things down so you don’t have to worry about forgetting something.

3. Plan something you are proud of.

Whether you love finding new recipes, cooking traditional family favorites or making healthy holiday meals, do something you like to do and be proud of it.  Let your cooking style show with your holiday meal! 

4. Workout or Find Stress Relief.

No matter how much I still need to do before hosting a party, I always make time for a quick workout sometime in the day.  Whether it’s at 4:30am or just 15 minutes while Anna is watching a show, this saves me.  It keeps me focused and grounded and makes me feel better all day.  If working out is not your stress release, have a cup of tea and sit down for 15 minutes to give yourself a moment.

5. Make as much ahead as you can.

When planning the menu, choose things that you can make before guest arrive.  If you have to throw something in the oven to heat it up, or keep it in a chaffing dish, no problem as long as it’s already made.  Plan to do most of your prepping and cooking the day before the party so you can be more ready on party day.

6. Let people help.

You don’t have to do it all by yourself!  If someone volunteers to bring something, let them!  Think of how much you like to help a person who is hosting you and do the same.