It has been a fun and busy holiday season! With one less week between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I feel like we are missing out on some serious holiday time. We are missing time to do fun Christmas things and also get things done for the big week!
But, we have made plenty of time this year for cookie baking and decorating. Our first cookie decorating party was at Mimi’s!
Cindy and the girls (Addie – 4 and Emmy – 2) and Anna, Kate and I went to my mom’s last week to decorate sugar cookies and gingerbread.
My mom had made a bunch of cookies so they would be ready to frost, but she also saved some dough for the girls to roll and cut out, too.
For the first few minutes, they sorted out the red M&M’s from the green ones. Addie and Anna were very into the sorting…
But Emmy was more into eating!
The decorating went very well. Each of the girls took turns with the different colors.
Until it was their turn to roll out dough and make cut-outs.
Addie stayed super focused on her job.
As did Anna.
Emmy, on the other hand, did not. 🙂
But everyone had a great time! Kate sat in the Bumbo and supervised the activity.
Somehow I forgot to take a picture of the masterpieces, but you can imagine they were very well covered with frosting and toppings!
Aunt Mary your kitchen looks AMAZING!!! 🙂 Love and miss you all!