I use Grammarly’s plagiarism detector because it keeps things real!

1. Make this. It’s amazing and I almost forgot about it. 


2. Try a new class.

Add some variety to your workout.  Try a new gym or a new class.  Most gyms offer first classes for free so use it as a chance to try something new!

I am getting certified in TRX this weekend and I am looking forward to adding it to my trainings!

3.Plan a getaway!

Whether it’s a night at a friend’s house or a week in paradise, plan something to look forward to!


4. Throw away your kitchen scrubber and buy a new one.

Chances are, it’s time.  

5. Wear Heels.

Pick a night to wear heels to dinner or anywhere fun.  I don’t do it very often because I live in tennis shoes and flats, but I forgot how fun it is to wear heels out.  Thanks, EBs.
