It’s been a great weekend at home. We got things done around the house, I went to my 10 year high-school reunion and caught up with old friends, watched some football, worked out, made some fall meals and got some relaxing in too!

After some thinking about different directions for HH, (please continue to send me any opinions and thoughts!!) I am going to start a new series on Toddler Meals.

Toddlers are hard to feed.

They are picky and opinionated. They want to do everything on their own but aren’t quite there yet. They like things one day and then they can’t stand them the next day.

It’s not easy.

Overall though, I feel like Anna is a great eater. She tries most everything and has come to really enjoy lots of veggies and foods not all kids will eat. We try hard to have her eat the same thing we are having or a modification of that each night. If she really doesn’t like what I made, we only offer her one other simple + healthy choice – for example, a hard boiled egg or a bowl of oatmeal. This makes her think twice about trying what are having and we often find she likes it.

Breakfasts are pretty easy though. Anna loves eggs, pancakes (with spinach and everything), smoothies (also with spinach), oatmeal, fruit, and cereal.

Here is a simple meal that is one of her favorites:


Healthy Toddler Meals: Breakfast

  • 1/2 c. oatmeal with skim milk – served cold with Craisins
  • 1/2 banana
  • glass of milk

Anna loves uncooked oatmeal (plain old fashioned rolled oats) with a little milk and a sprinkle of craisins. Addie eats this all the time and so Anna started eating it and loved it! It’s nice because you don’t have to let it cool!

Try it. Your toddler may just love it!

A few pictures I found from Happy Hour on the boat last weekend with my parents + Brady’s parents.



