I used this format for teaching a Strength Circuit class yesterday morning. It has left me feeling shaky all day! It’s great to be able to tell that what you did is challenging your body.

I will admit that since moving to Cleveland, I have been slacking on strength training. It’s no one’s fault but my own. I have been teaching spinning 3-4 times a week and running the other days because it has (finally) been nice out! I need to get back into the mood of working on my strength, specifically Body Pump. My video is due in about a month and I am not ready.

You can expect some new workout posts to be coming your way soon! 🙂

Strength Workout Circuit 6/28

Do 3 or 4 sets of 8 for the whole routine, then do 2 or 3 sets of 8 for each then 1 set of 8.

  1. pushups
  2. mountain climbers – 1 minute
  3. forward alternating lunges on step with weights
  4. shoulder press with weights
  5. basic squat with weights
  6. bicep curl with weights
  7. cross knee mountain climbers
  8. step back lunges from step with weights
  9. bent over rows with weights
  10. side squats with weights and inner thigh drag
  11. upright row with weights
  12. dead lift on step with weights
  13. overhead tricep press with weights
  14. curtsy lunges with weights
  15. plank hold – 1 minute

What is one of your favorite exercises to add to a strength circuit!?


On a different note, Anna loved her trip with the lake yesterday!

