We are so excited to welcome Anna Elizabeth to our family! She arrived last night (April 21st) at 10:20pm. She weighs 7lb. 9 oz. and is 19. 5 inches long. Both her and I are doing great!
We are so excited to welcome Anna Elizabeth to our family! She arrived last night (April 21st) at 10:20pm. She weighs 7lb. 9 oz. and is 19. 5 inches long. Both her and I are doing great!
Congrats girl!!! She’s precious.
Omg, Congratulations! She’s so tiny and beautiful!
CONGRATS! She is gorgeous!! I’ve been thinking about you all week.. so glad you and Anna are doing well
CONGRATS! She is beautiful!!!
Congrats!! She is adorable, and I love the name!!
I was holdin out for the baby to be born today because it is my birthday! But last night is wonderful too she is precious hope to meet her before I leave! Take care of your family:)
She is so beautiful already!! CONGRATS! .. and I doubt you are up for it, but just letting you know Northstar has your favorite veggie burger for free today b/c it earth day!
Congrats & welcome Anna Elizabeth! She is just precious!
Yay! So excited for you guys Hope all goes well as you begin your time as parents!
Anna Elizabeth is a beautiful name and she is so precious. Such a gift
Woohoo–Love the name, she is a real beauty!
Congratulations!!! She is beautiful! Definitely worth the wait! I can’t wait to check back for updates
What a gorgeous little gem you have! Blessings to you and your family!
She is beautiful! I love her name too (my niece is Anna Catherine)
Congratulations! She is beautiful!
She’s PERFECT!!!! Congrats to the whole Healthy Hostess household! So glad everyone is doing great! Can’t wait for more pictures!
CONGRATS!!!! She is absolutely beautiful. Hope the whole family is doing well
she’s so cute!!! i can’t wait to meet her. caitlin and i were talking about coming by some time later this week.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I’m very behind in my blog reading, so I’m sorry for the late post! I’m so happy for you. What a beautiful blessing you have there! Much happiness to you all! Can you believe how amazing it is?