After our breakfast guests left, I headed out in the 60 degree sunshine for a run. It was a great run, but there were a few obstacles. The problem with running when you are 20 weeks pregnant is you have a “small melon” bouncing on your bladder. This little issue caused me to route my run around different bathroom stops in the area.

Stop 1: After 1.8 miles – Panera

Stop 2: After another 2 miles – Jefferson Mansion Park

Stop 3: After 1.5 miles – Capital University gym

I then walked the last .5 mile home. I was happy that I was able to run the whole thing, but it was not a very comfortable run. I think this is a reminder why I have been going to spinning more often lately.

After the workout, I came home to do leaves with Brady. We got the front and the back done. We then came in to get ready for our dinner guests: Brady’s parents and his great Aunt Jean.

It wasn’t a hard dinner prep, but we ended up with tons of food(as usual) and a white variety of choices. Here are the options:

Salad with romaine and mixed greens


Toppings: avocado with tomatoes


Or apples and walnuts
IMG_6393.JPGMore hash browns – we had to use the rest of the baby red skins we had before they went bad!


Wide variety of meat options: Honeysuckle turkey breasts (Thanks Foodbuzz), salmon, and tilapia. I opted for a small piece of salmon.


Plus more meat: On my new Crate and Barrel outlet platter.


A dish of orange veggies: carrot fries and sweet potatoes


Dessert was not pictured but was very delicious! Brady’s parents brought mango sherbert and vanilla bean ice cream! Both were great, especially mixed together!

Let the feasting continue!