Another beautiful day in central Ohio! Too bad it is not supposed to stay for the weekend. After a two hour delay (teachers have meetings for the two hours and kids come late) the kids are wound up all day. They have a different schedule than usual and it seems to throw them all off. We made it through though!

After school I went to the gym and did a quick workout: 25 minutes of intervals on the stepmill followed by 20 minutes on the elliptical. I really could have used a new magazine to make this time more enjoyable, but it wasn’t bad.

I ran errands around Easton after the gym. I stopped a Trader Joe’s for a few must haves: pumpkin butter I have been craving since seeing it on Allison’s oatmeal, and a restock of pb, simmer sauce and wasabi peas.

At 6:45, we met our good friends Katie and Kurt for dinner at PF Chang. Since Katie and I met, our first year teaching 4 years ago, we have always gone to PF Changs to celebrate my b-day. We couldn’t let the tradition die, so we planned a date, which was not easy because Katie and Kurt are both high school coaches and are in season in the fall.

At dinner I got my favorite PF Chang menu item: Veggie Lettuce Wraps


I ate all of them and was pretty full before dinner even came out. Luckily, the leftovers here are great and I just ordered more veggies and brown rice. I had some and took a nice portion home.IMG_5899.JPG

Dinner was so much fun! Tomorrow is another busy day! I can’t wait to get my hair done after school.

I will be back with a few fun tips on eating healthy, while eating out!