Tonight, after making it through my first day back after Christmas break, I was tired and cranky.  I meant to workout in the morning, but we couldn’t get out of bed!  It ended up being a good thing though because I was in need of a good sweat after school.  Thanks for reminding me how good it would feel when it was over, Hallie!!

I ran home and changed my clothes and headed to my “other” gym, the nearby college’s gym that we are able to belong to because we live in the area.  I jumped on the treadmill for a 30 min. hill/walk/run interval workout.  It ended up being almost 3 miles and over 200 cal.  Then I moved over to the step mill for 30 more minutes!  I was on a roll and had a lot of energy to burn!  Brady met me there for the end of my workout and stayed to finish his.

I got home first and started on dinner – chicken (marinated in tomato basil), whole grain cous-cous (which we ended up forgetting to eat, haha), balsamic cauliflower with asparagus with salad.

We are watching the OSU vs. Texas game and it is not looking good. I think I am going to hit before it ends….