I woke up when Brady was in the shower, as usual. Then I got dressed in running clothes and had coffee while Brady ate breakfast. When he left for work, I went on my usual morning run. Today I was feeling very sore from my Strictly Scupting class yesterday, so I decided to run a 1/2 mile and then walk 1/2 mile. Grand total: 4 miles. It was a nice change.

For breakfast I had the usual, which I am going to name to make things easier.

Fruit & Fiber Fage (sorry for my lack of creativity)

  • 1/2 blueberries or any fresh fruit
  • 1/2 Fage 0%
  • 1 tbsp. ground flax
  • 2 tbsp. wheat bran
  • 1 tsp. Splenda

Mix all together and enjoy! This keeps me full for a while because of the great protein and fiber!

Now my to do list:

– Call AHS about microwave

– Wedding thank-you notes

– Clean/vacuum house

– Laundry