Novemberfest: The snacks

For food, I was not to set on any one thing. Since people didn’t come over until after 8, I knew I just needed munchies instead of heavy food. Here is what we had: Soft pretzels with spicy and honey mustard Turkey Treats – what Brady calls “Sausage...

Novemberfest: Beer Results!

Last night we had our annual beer tasting party. There was lots of this: In the following fun varieties: The winner of the best beer with a score of 76 points was: Close, in second place, with a score of 75 was our beer! The worst beer of night, with a milkshake like...

Classic Cookout

For dinner on Saturday, I wanted to keep things simple so I went with the cookout menu. Our dinner consisted of the following: Lean beef burgers, Veggie burgers and hot dogs with buns Lettuce, tomato, onion, spinach for toppings Low-fat cheese potatoes (recipe on...

Leftover Veggie Quinoa and Weekend Plans

Last night was a busy one! I came home from Cleveland and went to Costco and Kroger to stock up on things for the weekend. This weekend Brady’s cousin is getting married and all of his extended family is coming to Columbus. Some of them are staying with us and...

Leftover Veggie Quinoa and Weekend Plans

Last night was a busy one! I came home from Cleveland and went to Costco and Kroger to stock up on things for the weekend. This weekend Brady’s cousin is getting married and all of his extended family is coming to Columbus. Some of them are staying with us and...