I like the way Brady’s family does the meal situation on family reunion weekends. Each family is responsible for a meal – the food, the cooking, the clean up. This works well because not everyone spends all of their time cooking!

For our meal, Sunday lunch, we had a taco bar. We went with tacos because everyone can make their own, they are (can be) healthy and they are fairly easy to prepare. The only downside – lots of dishes because of all of the toppings. No problem though!

Brady did much of the meal prep while I fed Anna.


It all came together beautifully! We can’t take credit for the tablescape though. Brady’s Aunt Susan decorated the table for dinner the night before – Jimmy Buffet themed!






We had:

  • beef taco meat
  • turkey taco meat
  • hard shells
  • soft tortillas
  • lettuce
  • brown rice
  • black beans
  • corn
  • refried beans
  • salsa
  • tortilla chips
  • black olives
  • and fresh watermelon

It was a success!

After walking in the morning, grocery shopping and cooking, playing in the boat in the afternoon and hanging out, we were exhausted by night time!

It was another great Tilghman Island Weekend!


Now I am looking forward to getting my car seat adapter hooked up with my jogging stroller so I can start running with Anna again. This weekend it was nice to run with Janelle and speedwalk with Kristen for workouts!