I will have the race recap back up this week! But until then, we had some delicious Sunday dinner food last night. After lunch, we asked the boys what they wanted for dinner and they both said spaghetti. This sounded like an ok suggestion (don’t worry, we would let them know if we didn’t like their suggestion) so we went with it! It seemed like a good refuel meal.

During the day, my mom and I shopped while my dad and Brady did leaves and watched football. It felt like a fun fall Sunday because the sun was shining, but it was still freezing cold.

After our shopping trip for: Halloween costume materials, random dinner ingredients, extremely necessary pair of pants, and a few good fall tops, we made it home.

I was starving so we go started with dinner right away. In the meantime, we ordered our favorite pizza as an appetizer. This pizza is basically a very very thin cracker with pizza toppings on top! I pick off the cheese and peps and chow down on the tomatoey cracker.IMG_5513.JPG

We had:

  • chicken and beef tomato sauce – started from a can of tomato sauce and modified to make it our own with seasonings and meat
  • mushroom and squash/zucchini stir fried veggies
  • spaghetti squash
  • fresh ciabatta and whole grain bread
  • Barilla Pasta Plus – angel hair


My plate:

  • baked tofu for protein
  • Barilla Pasta Plus – angel hair
  • veggies
  • spaghetti squash
  • whole grain bread


My dad’s plate.

And a birthday plate full of warm bread!


For dessert we had homemade apple pie that my mom baked! It was devoured before a picture could be taken. Don’t worry, there are more of these in my future!